Hi, I’m Gabrielle and I run an Online Coaching Health & Fitness Business. I am a personal trainer, nutritionist, and mindset coach. I am originally from New Zealand and have been living in Melbourne for the past 4 years.
My health and fitness journey didn’t start off super smoothly. I initially got into the gym (almost 10 years ago) as I thought it could help me counteract my love of food and I desperately wanted to be thin, toned, and the smallest version of myself. I tried to use exercise as a calorie-burning tool.
After deciding enough was enough I pulled my head in and did the inner work. I got myself to a place where I was physically, mentally, and emotionally content. I left my job as a flight attendant, pursued my passion and I gained my pt, mindset, and nutrition qualifications. I have spent the past 6+ years working with clients to enhance their own journeys. Through my personal and professional experiences, I have been able to successfully coach over 500 women and transform their life!
When I say I've been through it all in my own journey I am not kidding! I've done 5x ifbb bikini shows, I’ve competed in CrossFit and functional fitness competitions, I’ve had years of being stuck in a binge-restrict cycle, I've lost 10kgs in a short period of time and then put all the weight back on, I’ve been through periods where I stopped caring about my journey and self and also periods where I cared so much I was a perfectionist (both not healthy) I’ve overtrained, over restricted and lost my menstrual cycle, I’ve done it all.
My Journey
then when I first joined the gym, I eat 3000+ calories per day
"Now as a 30-year old I am in the best place. I'm now 10kgs heavier
and I've never felt better!"
I eat well most of the time because I love and respect my body and how good it feels to nourish it. I also eat a nutella-loaded donut because I love sweet treats and do not believe in restrictions. I move my body because I love how it feels, I love the challenge, the grind, and the results that come from doing so. I love viewing my gym sessions as an opportunity to improve myself. I honor my body with what it needs and treat it with respect. My daily healthy lifestyle choices are all deposits into my future self.
All of my previous issues that came from how I was treating my body: painful periods, poor sleep, hair loss, bad skin, low mood, low energy, terrible headaches, digestion issues etc have all gone now that I have been consistent in my own journey and am at a healthy place. I am now thriving, I feel confident, I love how I look and feel, I put myself out there in life, and now say yes to things! My quality of life has dramatically improved and all of these incredible changes have come from my health and fitness journey.
My past experiences have got me to where I am in my own journey and now I have the privilege of working with women and coaching them on their own. We break through the struggles and come out the other side and they are happier, healthier, stronger and finally feel confident within themselves.
The results